Where we are

We are a geographically-agnostic team. We trust our employees to manage their time and to get their work done, regardless of what time zone they are in. Communication and visibility are key.

1Unique Team

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

As a product-driven company, we’re leading the industry by promoting and encouraging a globally diverse workforce in order to ensure inclusion for the products we create. Since our employees are distributed all over the world and come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, every person brings a unique perspective to the table and helps us build better, more inclusive products. We are forced to challenge our own assumptions when more perspectives are included, and to consider the lived experiences of a diverse population.

Women at Fueled

Nearly all of the women in senior leadership roles were promoted from within. We’ve also made targeted outreach efforts across departments to increase gender diversity. For example, our Design Department has grown from 8% to 18% female over the past two years. On the Web Engineering Team, representation of women has increased from 10% to 17% over that same time period.

Between 2018 and 2022 the number of women in our most senior levels of leadership within the organization increased


Building a diverse team

We’ve created a new apprenticeship program specifically targeted at underrepresented minority groups. The program consists of paid positions with access to extra training and mentorship and is tied to our team’s overall size, growing as the company does. Our goal is to maximize the number of these apprentices that can graduate into full-time positions at the organization.

Our greatest progress in increasing diversity comes in our new hire population.


of new hires identify as Black, Hispanic/Latinx, or Middle Eastern.


Victor Garcia

Victor Garcia

Staff Director

"Diversity of background, experience, and thought not only makes for a more equitable & inclusive team, but also produces work that represents & speaks to a wider range of people. The more diverse we are, the more we can learn from each other!"

Global Benefits

We are committed to giving all of our team members - no matter where they are located across the globe - the same access to the opportunities and resources they need to thrive and reach their potential.

Our policies (from the amount of paid time off we offer, to the equipment someone receives, to the Learning & Development opportunities we provide) are equitable across the board, aiming to empower all of our team members and encourage productivity & engagement. Fueled prioritizes the mental health of our team members so that they can bring their best selves to work, and to this end we are continually looking for new ways to support them.

Pay Equity and Transparency

Based on comprehensive market research and data, we created a compensation structure across each department and geographical location, clearly defining compensation bands within each tier and level of the department.

Each department’s roles & responsibilities per tier and level are published and shared with its team members, so that everyone is aware of the expectations and criteria for advancement in both compensation and title. These guidelines aim to ensure pay equity for each role within each location, and remove as much bias or subjectivity as possible from decisions around compensation and promotions.

"One of the best parts about working at Fueled is that we’re all over the world. Every person brings a unique perspective to the table which helps us build better, more inclusive products."

Our ongoing commitment

We are committed to being an anti-racist and inclusive organization. This is not a box we can check off - it requires ongoing learning and action. To that end, we have taken the following actions:


Creating a Diversity & Inclusion committee to move forward initiatives that make the workplace more equitable and inclusive.


Bringing in D&I experts to lead a workshop for our Directors and executive leadership on unconscious bias in the workplace.


Making Juneteenth a company holiday for our US team members and encouraging team members to use this time for further education and reflection.


Matching donations of our team members to anti-racist and other social justice organizations up to 2% of our operating profit margin.


Encouraging our team to utilize their Learning & Development stipend for materials that promote education on topics including racial & social justice.


Starting a monthly book club in which we discuss antiracist literature and books written by people of marginalized communities.


Instituting a monthly company-wide forum for having continued conversations around race, inclusion & bias.


Capturing self-reported data from our global team members to track statistics on diversity and to analyze our progress.


We are committed to long term and lasting change, which means these topics are always evolving and never complete.

We have more work to do

We are proud of our progress thus far, but we are continuing efforts to make this representation more equitable across the board.

We know there is much more to do in this area. While aforementioned stats are important and revealing, we don’t see diversity as a quota to meet or the sole indicator of achievement. We know that it is, instead, an ongoing conversation and ever-evolving idea. Nonetheless, we are committed to promoting the growth and retention of our minority team members, and are working toward improving the multifariousness of voices at every discipline and level within our organization to drive our company’s vision and direction.

A Day at Fueled

Morning Coffee

I sip on a cup of Fruit Party coffee from my favorite roaster, Dark Horse, while I catch up on emails and Slack notifications. I check the #music channel for today’s curated beats before jumping into some heads-down work time


Most people at Fueled are on one or two projects. I’m on two and daily standups for them are back-to-back. This is the one time a day when every person on a project will sync up as a group and make sure we’re aligned on the day ahead.

Morning Flow

One of the projects I’m working on is a healthcare app that will let people better coordinate what they buy at the grocery store with what foods make the most sense for their health needs.With a global workforce, my design feedback from yesterday afternoon was already implemented while I was asleep and engineering just dropped a new alpha build and now it’s time review the changes ahead of my first meeting.


I ordered in lunch today because I have a virtual lunch date with a new hire in our London office, he’s going to be eating dinner (or do they call it supper there?). I have just enough time after lunch to do a quick practice runthrough of a deck I’m going to be presenting to a client.

Client Meeting

I hop onto the Zoom ready to present the client with our latest updates.The client was super into some of the new design concepts and had some really interesting and challenging asks around speeding up some of the load times of some asset-heavy pages. I book some time with one of the project engineers so we can brainstorm solutions.

Afternoon Flow

Back to flow time for a few hours playing around with a new carousel for browsing recipes. We have a ton of content to show at once and I’m trying to figure out how we can present it to users without being too overwhelming. I jumped into a session with a UX designer and a PM to try and flesh out a few more layout concepts for browsing the recipes. Was pretty blown away by some of the ideas that the UX designer came to the meeting with so I take a second to log some praise for her in public via our #praise channel.

Manager 1:1

Time for a quick 1:1 with my manager. We have to stop ourselves from spending the whole meeting trading dog and baby photos. Fortunately, we also find plenty of time to check in on the professional growth plan that we laid out together a few months ago. We come up with a plan for me to spend some of my learning & development budget on a technical product management classes to help bolster my skills and get me better aligned with requirements for a title bump.

Happy Hour

I quickly browse some of the less time sensitive Slack channels and notice that a crew is heading to the park tonight for one of those Concert In The Park things the philharmonic puts on every year. Time to go find my picnic blanket…

What's special about working at Fueled?

There are 3 things that make Fueled special: our team, our process and our clients. We’ve got the process part sorted. But we’re expanding our teams quickly and looking for others to join our tenacious yet playful team.

Team events

Face time

While we’ve always been a globally distributed team, structurally set up to work effectively across many different time zones and locations, we’ve had to redefine what it means to be a team as we’ve shifted to fully remote work. We dedicate significant time and resources into making sure our team members feel connected, both online and in-person.